I hear talk the death penalty is becoming ‘unpopular’, and before long it won’t exist. It’s just a matter of time before Texas and the rest of the country come to this conclusion.
But from what I can see here on death row, this thing we call the death penalty – legalized killing – is here to stay. It’s economics. People don’t invest money in something that isn’t going to be around for long.
It wasn’t so long ago, I don’t know how much money was spent on putting video cameras all over this building to upgrade security.
Next – the roof was taken up and completely redone.
A couple months ago every shower door was removed and replaced with solid stainless steel doors that were professionally installed. At seventy-two doors, I can’t even imagine what the cost came to.
A few weeks ago, every food slot was removed and replaced with a new one to use a key lock instead of a bar. That’s 504 slots just for this building.
Next, I hear they plan to repaint all the cells – one by one.
So, you see, it’s hard to see this kind of investment in death row housing unless the death penalty is here to stay in Texas. Actions speak a lot louder than actual words…

ABOUT THE WRITER. Travis Runnels is the author of Guidance On Navigating The Path To Love and How To Survive In Prison. He can be contacted at:
Travis Runnels #999505
3872 FM 350
Livingston, TX 77351
So indignant about his present situation and approaching “legalized murder.” What he doesn’t acknowledge is the only murder is what he did to the innocent man who was just doing his job when this vermin nealry decapitated him with a blade. I’ll be waiting for the news that this murderer finally gets the medicine that he earned.
Many people share your view, and it’s a conversation that needs to be had. I don’t view this essay as indignant, but more as his view of death row and the death penalty and it’s longevity overall. People who are opposed to the death penalty have strong arguments, one of the strongest being the ‘flaws’ in the system. Unfortunately – innocent people have been and will continue to be executed as long as there is a death penalty. Nobody has claimed Runnels didn’t do what he did. The death penalty itself is the subject of the essay. I don’t think one ‘wrong’ execution is acceptable. That puts all of us in the position of taking an innocent person’s life. It just is. We have public defenders who simply are not compensated for defending individuals in a way that motivates a strong argument. Period. Prosecutors on the other hand are more motivated to secure their guilty verdicts. So – you have a capital murder case – with no defense if you are poor. You can deny that, but it is often true. It exists. Look for a case of an innocent, poor person in prison – you can find one. Look at their case and look at all that was overlooked, not investigated, ignored, and not argued in court with attorneys often times not even taking the time to talk to their clients. Is it okay because they are poor and not in our circle of friends?
Another argument – a lot of America views this country as one based on Christianity. There is no biblical argument for killing people that has much weight. And to put the killing of another on taxpayers, government, the corrections employees and the actual people who perform the act of execution is in direct conflict with the religious fabric of our society. Not everyone shares the same faith, but historically, faith has a place in our country, whether you share it or not.
For Runnels as an individual – some would argue he shouldn’t have gotten the sentence that he originally had that he was incarcerated for. He was young, not mature – and completely hopeless for having a free life.
Our country is the most incarcerated on the entire planet. We have a problem. Denying it is an option for many. Others would like to make some changes in the hope of improvement. So, I don’t see the essay as one that lessens the loss, but I can see how many do and will.
Yah what he did was bad. He said he could not take it back. He let his anger overshadow everything. He let anger rule him. A human heart filled with anger is venomous, it’s poison. Humans are capable of heinous crimes. That’s why God warns us about anger, it’s deadly. I wish he humbled himself more, he would be a free man and Wiley would still be alive. His big ego destroyed his life and ended Wileys
The best book I’ve read in a long time. Must read.
This inmate murdered a man because this inmate was mad that he was moved out of working in the prison barbershop to another work detail. This is not a sick joke.
Evil walks the earth with us. This inmate is evil, and should not be allowed to hurt another living soul. Time is up.
N I do believe he is capable of hurting someone again but I dont condone in the death penalty
We are so quick to belive what an inmate say ,ok the punishment they receive some of them earn,they will manipulate you to believe anything ,I dont condone in the death penalty and dont condone in no one taking someone life. IM MARRIED TO A EXINMATE WHO SPENT MOST OF HIS LIFE IN PRISON, AND LORD KNOWS I WISH I HAD NEVER MET HIM . I FELL WHAT THEY GO THROUGH IN PRISON IS NOT ENOUGH TO BRING PUNISHMENT TO THEM FOR TAKING SOMEONE LIFE , YES SOME WILL SAY THEY ARE SORRY JUST TO GET OUT TO DO THE SAME OR WORSE , TRAVIS AT FIRST HAD ME FEELING SORRY FOR HIM ,BUT AS I READ MORE ABOUT HIM HOW HE THREW SHIT ON GUARDS AND WHAT HE DID N HOW HE took a life and still lied to cover it up ,that’s a person that just dont give a dam n if they hadnt found out it was him he still wouldnt give a dam.He only gives a dam cause he is on deathrow. No I dont no Travis nor the victim no I’m not white I’m Black and I will say this only God can forgive Travis which he already has but the ? Do Travis want to be forgiven ,if God give Travis a 3Rd chance will he commit murder again I think he will but who am I .So dont be quick to throw the hammer at the prison system cause Travis chose to be there.
I know your execution date is close and whatever happens I hope you are okay with yourself and have found peace.
Travis, I don’t know if you will see this or not. Praying you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Repent of your sins, ask God to forgive you. Praying that you have Peace. Sorry I never took the time to write but we talked about you often. I bought 2 of your books…..they are worth reading. Your poem about the rain makes me sad but it also makes me smile. You were a good kid, just no guidance. I’m proud of how you are helping people. Sorry life wasn’t great on earth for you. Praying for you!
Jesus is the ONLY way. He forgave Paul, the worst of sinners. He is FORGIVING! I will be praying Psalms 23 over you. Aunt Leona
I forwarded your message to him. He will get it.
Thank you so much for forwarding my email. If you can send another one I would appreciate it.
Travis, we are still praying for you. Uncle Joel and I were talking and laughing about that Thanksgiving when you and my family were iced in and everyone had to spend the night at our house. Remember when we got up the next morning, your car had slide down the hill into the park?? 🙂
Praying for you and we love you. Praying for your peace. God loves you. Aunt Leona
Yes, it’s been forwarded.
Hi Travis,
I stood in the Prayer line at church for you today. Praying God’s grace and mercy over you. My family is also praying for you. If you have a Bible…pray Psalms 23.
When I was a kid, I was terrified of that Psalm, it seemed sad and scary. But now that I’m in church and being taught that God is our strength, Psalm 23 comforts me. I’m the Director of the Women’s Min….never thought I would be doing that…..you know how your uncles feel about the church. They were forced to go as children and as adults they want to stay far away….lol. But I keep praying that Joel joins, I know he will. I love being in church, God has changed my life so much….for the BETTER. I’m happier, He promises us PEACE and HE will give it to you. Hold your head up high because if you have asked God to forgive you….He HAS! He is forgiving, merciful, patient, HE is ALL that we need Him to be.
If you truly have repent of your sins, and BELIEVE in your heart that Jesus died on the cross for you….ask him to forgive you for what you have done and HE will forgive you. If you haven’t ask Jesus to come into your heart and make Him your Lord & Savior…..ASK Him! Tell Him that you need Him. Man may steal or kill your body but they cannot seal your soul.
Praying for the Wiley family and praying for you. Let God love and hold you. His arms are strong and wide enough.
Praying Psalm 23 over you and hope you pray with me.
I pray these emails put a smile on your face and let you know that no matter what, Uncle Joel and I still love you. Now you know they don’t say “love” often. Lol. I think it’s been 20 since he told me he loves me…..lol. But I know he does.
Give God your heart and mind!!! Praying for your peace and comfort. I love you but God loves you more. Praying with my heart!
Aunt Leona
Hi, Leona:
Your emails—all of them–are beautiful. I’m sure they meant the world to him to read. And, yes, God has forgiven him. God loves ALL of us, including Travis, with a love that is beyond our understanding and ability. Praying for you and the rest of the family.
Keisha Lett
I used to write Travis. He helped me get through a tough time I was going through. I wrote him and didn’t hear back from him and now I know why. It hurt my heart to hear it finally happened. Praying you and the family are doing ok.