Update From Arizona Book Club

Arizona is preparing to start their next book – The Maidens, by Alex Michaelides.  They chose this book after reading their previous book by the same author.  The books have been ordered and should arrive in Arizona this coming week.  Joining both the Arizona and NC book clubs in their reading has made my life better – feel free to join us, we would be happy to share your thoughts here!

Now – for views on the previous read, The Silent Patient, by Alex Michaelides:

A suspenseful narrative, worth waiting to see unfold! – Carlos Sigala

This book was really well written.  I do not usually read many suspense novels.  I like how the book kept me thinking throughout the entire read and didn’t let me figure it out until the very end.  Looking forward to reading another one from this author. – Ralph Dyer  

The Silent Patient was a great book with good character development and excellent plot twists. The only thing that stopped me from reading cover to cover was lunch.  It has an ending that you just won’t see coming. – Steve Lomax

‘Spellbound!’  An enigma wrapped in a riddle that created a MYSTERY!  Through the twists and turns, I came to a sudden halt once the last few pieces to the puzzle were discovered. The introduction of the plot had me staggered. As it thickened, I was gripped to the pages. Walking into the climax, I realized the riddle was deciphering itself right in front of my eyes! – Terrance A. Morgan

It was an interesting read and had several plot twists I didn’t expect or anticipate.  I give it a 4 out of 5 for keeping the reader guessing and engaged.  It would be an excellent movie to watch if it was turned into one. – Robert Hinderliter    

The human psyche is a very, very powerful muscle.  The Silent Patient will have you asking more questions, looking for more and more clues to no avail. If you think you’ve understood and got this figured out, don’t worry the plot twist will get you. I give it 3.5 stars out of 5. – Victor McKaney

And, for my thoughts… Definitely a page turner. Which is what I like. I want a book to have me wanting to pick it up again. Without giving away anything – the ending had me wanting to go back and read the book over and see if I should have figured it out earlier. I’m really curious to see if the next book we are reading by the same author has that same type of direction. It will definitely have me trying to stay on my toes while I’m reading in an attempt to figure it out as I go.

And discussion on the previous book, Yellow Wife, by Sadeqa Johnson continues! Personally, I loved this book. It is probably up there in the top five of all the book club books I have read with the WITS clubs. That could have something to do with my familiarity with the geographical location of where the events took place, but I think it was mostly due to the story itself.

Two words best describe Yellow Wife – hope and despair.  Within reading the novel there were twists, turns, as well as turbulence.  Definitely a page turner.

The main character, Pheby, exemplified the true meaning of liberation!  She had a deep inspiration to secure the freedom of her loved ones.  Freedom was the ‘desire’ and at times, throughout the book, by any means necessary.  Enduring the physical pain, in my opinion, was futile to the mental anguish that she endured.  Her grit and dedication to a cause led to the freedom of others, to which she was seeking! 

I recommend this book to any avid or non-avid reader.  Indeed, a cast of movie  quality! –  Terrance A. Morgan


My Downward Spiral of Compromise

I am in prison because of my downward spiral of compromise, the gradual degeneration of my character and consequent choices.  One compromise led to the next which led to the next, each one increasing the momentum of travel to and the probability of the next compromise.

My story is a tragedy, but not one of tragic beginnings.  I was tremendously blessed to have wonderful parents and the advantages of academic gifting and opportunity, yet I still ended up in prison with a life sentence.  How?  Why?

My parents were incredible – loving, caring, kind, gentle, giving and honest.  They taught and lived by their Christian beliefs of loving God and loving others.  They prioritized the needs of others, supported without being overbearing, disciplined firmly yet without harshness, provided while instilling appreciation, and emphasized character, integrity, and respect for all. 

I was academically gifted.  Teachers frequently told my parents I was the smartest child they had taught.  I won math contests and Science Olympiad events, participated in numerous opportunities reserved for top students, attended the prestigious North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics (NCSSM), and received several college academic scholarships.  

I did not nose dive from the apex of the values my parents taught down into a cesspit of selling cocaine and carrying a gun.  I descended one selfish, unprincipled choice at a time over several years.  I entered the downward spiral by compromising with alcohol and marijuana.  I drank alcohol for the first time while spending a week at the beach with a friend’s family.  We went to a condo where more than a dozen people, all older, were hanging out.  Drinking with the older crowd made me feel accepted and cool.  Although I threw up and passed out, looking like a fool, I liked being part of the ‘cool’ crowd, naive with the dangerous desire to be accepted as part of the ‘in’ crowd.

The next year, the same ‘friend’ introduced me to marijuana, or pot.  I did not want to smoke but did not have the courage to say ‘no’.  My cowardice caused me to open a proverbial Pandora’s box of drug use.  I liked being high on pot because it settled my mind, which was normally like an extreme laser light show, constantly on hyper-drive.  Pot slowed the pace, allowing me to relax and feel normal for the first time.  I eventually developed a daily habit.

My junior year began at NCSSM.  Graduating from the residence high school for academically stellar students was my dream, but I traded it for nothing. Compromising by drinking and smoking pot cost me that valuable opportunity – it would not be the last one I wasted.  Preparing to leave for college, I made another pivotal compromise, purchasing pot to sell.

For a while I could smoke pot and function well and still excel in school, even winning a math contest (Calculus) while very high.  Selling pot allowed me to smoke every day, but smoking pot that much bore a critical side effect – it stole my drive.  The exceedingly driven person with big plans, goals, and dreams, as well as the dedicated effort to accomplish them, was replaced by a distracted slacker.

As a freshman, I attended far more parties than classes, did more drinking and smoking pot than studying and learning, and added experimentation with other drugs (ecstasy, LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms).  I forfeited the academic scholarship due to terrible grades, having to attend summer classes to maintain eligibility.

I regained my academic focus and made the Dean’s List the next two semesters.  Although the frequency of partying, drinking, and using drugs decreased (mostly on weekends), continuing to use at all was complete compromise.  Two years later, I made another pivotal compromise, the terrible choice to sell cocaine.  Quickly, I became addicted to the money, and began to view myself as a drug dealer.  Adopting that identity led me to accept violence as a necessary part of the drug business.

Eight months later, my apartment was broken into and ransacked, drugs and cash stolen.  My little beagle puppy, Bruiser, was left hiding under my bed, shaking uncontrollably.  The break-in shattered my sense of security.  I hated feeling afraid, violated, helpless.  I wish I had responded by quitting the selling and using of drugs – forever.  Instead, I responded by seeking revenge.  Thinking I had determined the culprit, I organized a late-night armed robbery, however, the people we accosted were not involved in the break-in.

I thought striking out at someone, anyone, would make me feel less afraid and more in control, but the fear increased.  I started carrying a gun everywhere, even to class.  I always reentered my apartment with the gun at the ready, afraid.

Two weeks later my long, ever-worsening series of bad choices caused irreparable harm.  Killing other human beings and being arrested for murder awakened me to how far down I had descended. I had the gun because for two weeks I carried a gun everywhere, because guns and violence are part of being a drug dealer, because using drugs can easily transition into selling drugs, because one compromise leads to the next.  The overall direction of the compromises I made was steeply downward, but the incremental drop from one compromised choice to the next was so small as to be indistinguishable. 

My parents and my gifts gave me the foundation for success, but I wasted both.  The mistakes I have made are my own.  I am solely, wholly responsible for my impulsive, immoral choices.  I failed to learn from my mistakes, not only repeating them but making worse and worse choices.  Smoking marijuana took my drive, selling drugs took my direction, identifying myself as a drug dealer destroyed my boundaries.  

Now, I refuse to compromise on my values of honesty, integrity, compassion, diversity, and social responsibility.  I know it takes only one compromise to enter the downward spiral, and I will never again re-enter the downward spiral of compromise.

ABOUT THE WRITER.  Timothy Johnson placed second in our most recent writing contest.  Timothy has been incarcerated for nineteen years and is serving a life without parole sentence.  He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Pastoral Ministry with a minor in Counseling from the College at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; he serves as the assistant editor for The Nash News, the first and longest running prison publication in NC; he was editor of Ambassadors in Exile, a journal/newsletter that represents the NCFMP; he is a co-author of Beneath Our Numbers; and he has been published in the North Carolina Law Review (Hope for the Hopeless:  The Prison Resources Repurposing Act https://scholarship.law.unc.edu/nclr/vol100/iss3/2/).

Mr. Johnson can be contacted at:
Timothy Johnson #0778428
Nash Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

Timothy Johnson can also be contacted through GettingOut.com



I am easily able to account for numerous contributing factors to my incarceration.  My mind and heart begrudgingly possess a bevy of reasons, explanations and excuses.  However, after further consideration, I concede they are just that… excuses; meager attempts to justify my being incarcerated, enchained and entombed.

As do many, I too find myself quickly casting blame upon the most frequently attributed afflictions – a broken and fatherless home; the lack of proper guidance and structure; a dysfunctional judicial system that levies unfair sentencing; misrepresentation by an ineffective counsel; the coercion of corrupt law enforcement; or perhaps, simply, the implication of a very ‘talkative’ acquaintance.  This list could go on, and each reason would appear quite significant in the eyes of its beholder, but truth be told, these are merely the fruit of a much more poisonous tree.  

While contemplating similar causes in my own incarceration, I discover they undoubtedly share one common root.  Although each merits its own truth, these stigma are the culmination of a far greater woe.  This generational genocide, reinforced by blind belief in errant statistical data, flawed reiterations and environmental influence while balanced on the crutches of racial prejudice is but the surface of this deeply embedded spur.

By no means am I attempting to discredit the validity of such factors, or reduce their weight in regard to anyone’s bout with this carceral beast, my own included, but there is one simple answer to this question. What do I consider the most significant factor in my incarceration?  ‘Absence’…  Yes, absence.

In my humble opinion, absence is the root cause of any and everyone’s incarceration.  No matter which surface truth we choose to blame, ultimately, there was an underlying lack that led to its burgeoning.  Whether it was the absence of a father figure, a strong support system or a void of values, there was a lack.  Maybe there was an unfair trial, insufficient legal assistance, or the ploy of discriminatory incrimination, but the fact still remains – we were without something, and the absence of that something created a vulnerability.

In an absence of awareness, we lose focus and forget all instruction and forewarning, then act with clouded judgment, in total disregard to consequence.  In an absence of direction, we are left to our own demise, inept at navigating the hostile and often imbalanced terrain of our society.  In the absence of maturation, we have become trapped in a race, running from responsibility, hoping to be rewarded with the avoidance of accountability.  And, in the absence of knowledge, we are unable to defend our rights or freedom on the battlefield of ‘law and order’, thus we are captured, sold, and enslaved.

So, you see then, regardless of how one may attempt to rationalize the cause of their incarceration, a single truth prevails – there has been an absence in our lives – an absence resulting in ignorance, an absence that has become a perpetual deviant, an absence that led to bad choices and poor decisions, an absence that has left us absent.  

ABOUT THE WRITER.   It is no surprise that Carter has placed third in our recent writing contest. He has placed here before, and he is also a co-author of Beneath Our Numbers. His writing style is always reflective, sometimes nostalgic, and completely charming. WITS really appreciates the insight that writers like Carter bring to important conversations.

If you would like to contact Carter, please reach out to me directly.


I Should’ve Listened…

I’d end up dead or in prison,
That’s what they said.
I never listened.
Kept living the way I was living,
I should’ve listened.
Surrounded by barbed wire,
This prison is no place to be,
Handcuffs and chains weigh on me heavy.
Can’t even look at me
And remember who I used to be.
Like seasons, people change,
Close friends, my woman far gone.
Two decades worth of tears
Span the gap between me and my family,
Pent up energy bouncing off the steel,
No where to go and 
Haunted by memories,
How things used to be.
Living trapped within the torment of 
My own sins and the pain I caused,
Waiting for the day my debt is paid in full.
Then what?
Will anyone notice I’ve been gone for so long?
Supposed to pick up where I left off?
Back in a society where I didn’t fit in?
Everyone said I’d end up dead or in prison.
I kept on living the way I was living,
God knows,
I should’ve listened.

ABOUT THE WRITER. This is our first contribution by Kevin, and I’m glad he found us. WITS writers have been choosing, since we started, to pursue creative endeavors, and continue to put themselves out there. For that, I am very grateful.

Mr. O’Hagan can be contacted at:

Kevin O’Hagan #0647425
Tabor Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131


Broken Goods

confined spaces sealing broken dreams.
i’m broken too, though it appears i’m together,
broken and severed.
too many years on prison tiers,
too many fears, can’t shed no tears,
seems tears and freedom lost their way. 
fear of not being accepted,
fear of being rejected,
fear of being neglected,
unloved and unprotected.
though I’ve changed my thinking,
don’t feel at ease.
but know somehow these things i’m instilling
will eventually stimulate me mentally,
prove this was meant for me
and just maybe i was meant to be
a voice for the voiceless,
an example of choices
that didn’t belong.
i like that i can write and recite 
the fact i did it wrong.
searching for right,
hurting sometimes at night.
hoping it will come together,
that this won’t last forever.
yeah, i’m broken and shattered,
but the thing that truly matters
is that I can climb, and I still have time
as long as someone holds the ladder.

ABOUT THE WRITER.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Michael Kent is a pleasure to work with. He opens up and shares his feelings and experiences in his poetry, and he is also enthusiastic about exploring writing. I’m hoping he will try his hand with an essay, which I think he would nail because of what I see as his willingness to share his experiences in his poetry.

Michael can be contacted via Getting Out or by writing:
Michael Kent Jr. #15215000
777 Stanton Blvd.
Ontario, OR 97914


Quiet Night

It was an unusually quiet night, the normally blaring TV’s and radios were quiet.  The typical long-distance conversations between inmates yelling back and forth from several cells away, or the blusterous sound of someone triumphantly declaring “Checkmate!” – were not heard on this night.  On this night, some of us were preparing to say good-bye to a friend for the very last time.

Hashi was ‘making his rounds’, saying his final farewells to those that mattered to him.  It was a ritual that played out each time someone’s ‘death date’ was upon them and upon all of us, like some Shakespearean tragedy.  Thus is life on Death Row – a series of greetings and farewells.  And my turn to say good-bye was approaching faster than I wanted it to.

I could hear Hashi drawing ever closer to my cell, and I steeled myself against the emotional onslaught that was certain to come when I looked into the face of my friend – a dead man walking.  I needed to be standing when he got to my cell.  I felt it would be inappropriate and disrespectful to be sitting, but I also felt like I had a ton of bricks strapped to my back, and I struggled to rise to my feet.  As I did, my solid resolve began to melt away like ice cream on a summer day.

Within seconds, Hashi was at my cell, his hand thrust through the bars in search of mine, and in that one gesture, my resolve dissipated to nothing.  I grasped his hand with mine and reached my other arm between the bars and hugged him.  “I love you, brother,” is all I could manage.  The dam broke, and my eyes flooded with tears.  

Hashi squeezed my hand one final time and told me, “I love you too, little brother,” and walked away.  In that moment, there was a dignity and grace to him that I had never seen.  Even in what were to be his final days, he was still teaching, and I was still learning.  I sat back down feeling a little lighter and sat vigil for the next three days.

We all knew that Hashi had about 72 hours to live.  And as it is with all who are transported to the ‘death house’, we prayed for that last minute stay of execution, but God decided to say “no” this time, and at 12:07 a.m., Hashi was pronounced dead by lethal injection.

Several years later, God would say “yes” to me, and I am alive today and no longer on death row.  Now, if I could only get him to say “yes” to easing this never-ending pain and loss.

ABOUT THE WRITER.  Tony Enis does not write for WITS often, but I always look forward to hearing from him, and he never disappoints. He is also a co-author of Beneath Our Numbers: A Collaborative Memoir From Inside Mass Incarceration. Tony Enis has been incarcerated for over thirty-years, was at one point on death row, and he has always maintained his innocence. He can be contacted at:

Anthony Enis #N82931
P.O. Box 1000
Menard, IL 62259


Turning Pages In Arizona

I started our newest book a little before the others – The Silent Patient, by Alex Michaelides. Without giving any of it away, I am hooked already, and I am not very far in. I’m really curious to see where this one goes and what everyone thinks of it, and I can’t wait for them to get their copies. If you get a chance, read it with us!

Now, for thoughts on the previous read. The club recently finished up Yellow Wife, by Sadeqa Johnson. This one brought on some in depth conversations, and I wish I could have been there. Our Arizona Book Club is very fortunate, in that they can meet together in the library. They shared a couple of their thoughts on Yellow Wife:

“Yellow Wife was an intriguing read and invoked both negative and positive reactions. It’s a story about how two women sacrificed themselves for the betterment of their children and others. This book should be required reading for kids in grades 6-8 so they can see some real history of how people were treated in the 1800’s.”
– Robert Hinderliter

“Yellow Wife is a real page turner. Ruth wasn’t just the medicine woman, she was a survivalist, and a mother with plans that no slave could ever foresee. She instilled in Pheby her survival instincts and to always protect your children at all costs while setting up a better future for them, no matter the risks or costs too. Ruth also taught her daughter that sometimes in life a mother has to make a big, life-changing sacrifice for their children. The book could also have been called either: A Woman’s Sacrifice or just Sacrifice.”
Victor McKaney

Feel free to contact WITS with your thoughts on any of our book selections!


Church Bound

When my family and I moved to E. B. Jordan Homes in 1980, it was like a ghost town in the woods – rural, secluded, somewhat lawless and all the perks of country living.  There were ditches to scour, trees to climb, fields to rove; and also the not-so-friendly white people to consider.  It was the early period of gentrification in Wilson, when underprivileged families were uprooted from the inner city and relocated to areas where we were less welcome.  

E.B. Jordan Homes was a project housing community on the outskirts of town between a predominantly white neighborhood and a motorcycle club.  We had the n-word flung at us from some few cars passing by, but other than that, it was a  great place to live, and my mischief began when I was young.  At seven I cussed, bullied and vandalized.  I stole candy almost everyday from the old service station across the street.  I wasn’t afraid of getting caught, nor was I bothered by the obscenities of some whites, but no matter how tough I acted, I was always scared of one thing… London Church.

That was all I knew about the old creepy church that sat several yards from our front door. It was called London Church.  It was faded white with chipped paint and shutters on the windows and guarded by towering oak trees. The older kids told stories about London Church being built atop a cemetery and the funerals for those graves were held inside London Church; that alone kept me up many a night staring over at the church grounds waiting for something to move.  I spent the first few years trying to forget all the scary stories I’d heard, but often enough I would pass by London Church and wonder – yet throw a pretty girl in the mix and just like that, I was ready to confront my fears. 

It began one day with some silly notion that was caught on the wind. We were hoping to impress some neighborhood girls when  someone said, “Let’s break into London Church.”  At the time, I associated the name London with England, and I thought of him as some ancient white man, one whose spirit would not take kindly to a bunch of Black kids running around in his church. But then the thunder crackled and the lightning flashed, and the break-in seemed like the perfect thing to do, as though God himself was saying, “I’mma lookout for y’all little bad asses this time, but you owe me one.”

So we headed over to London Church, one foot-step coaxing the other with the acoustics of thunder to incite our false courage. We told tall tales of ghosts and demons and old white slave masters, who would shackle not our bodies but our spirits. When we got there, all the wide-eyed looks turned my way, and unanimously I was elected the scapegoat… so I shimmied open the window and with a boost I climbed inside, in effect breaking into London Church.  What happened next is spotty and irrelevant as the events of that day are now but a haze in my distant past, but what I did was dishonorable and has left me with lingering regret as I would come to learn more about the man called London.  

On Valentine’s day, 1970, three years before I was born, the Wilson Daily Times published a full-page article on London Woodard, a man who was born a slave, yet died as a pivotal figure in Black history.  London was born in 1792, the whip-cracking era when black bodies were deemed no more than chattel in an economy driven by cruelty.  A time when Black heritage and Black identities, like the names of London’s parents, were snuffed out of existence and did not survive the passage of time.  Much of London’s young life was unknown, but at 24, he was recorded in the estate of Asa Woodard, and later at 34 with Julan Woodard, indicating the familial passing down of his enslavement.  On March 22, 1827, just one year later, London would be sold again. He was bought at an auction by Administrator James B. Woodard for $500.  London would spend the majority of his adult life on the Woodard plantation as the slaves in those days seldom strayed far from the “good master”.  London was 35 when he met another Woodard slave, a woman named Venus, and the two found marital bliss and would remain a union for 18 years, until Venus died in 1845.  

London was recognized as a distiller in fine fruit brandies, providing a euphoria to the other slaves to best deal with the day’s long heat and the lash of the master’s tongue.  He was baptized on August 24, 1828, as a member of the Tosneot Baptist Church, a site located some few miles from the E.B. Jordan projects where I grew up and established as the oldest church in Wilson. From there London was promoted to the Overseer, tending to the slaves for the master, a discovery to which I felt indifferent to old London, but unfair since I don’t know what it’s like to be a slave.

It was, in fact, as the Overseer that London caught the eye of Penelope Lassiter, a woman born free in 1814.  When she was 29, Penelope was hired as the housekeeper and surrogate mother to the children of James B. Woodard after the death of his second wife.  Woodard would again marry 4 years later, but by then Penelope had become vital to the rearing of the children, and so she was kept on as she would come to be known as Aunt Penny.  It was while working on the plantation that Penelope’s admiration for London grew, and in 1845, the same year his wife Venus died and London was left with 9 children, he and Penelope married.  London was 58.  He and Penelope had 6 kids together. 

Penelope was born the daughter of Hardy Lassiter, a mulatto who owned a farm south of Wilson. Penny, herself, would prove to be business minded, and at 39, she bought 106 acres (five miles east of Wilson on Tarboro Road) for $242.  It was then 1853 and she and London had been married 9 years.  The next year, she paid $150 to James B. Woodard and bought London’s freedom. 

But freedom would come at a far greater price when enslavement was all that one knew, and London would stay on at the Woodard plantation for another 11 years until he was officially emancipated.  He did, however, continue to thrive, and on December 11, 1866, just one year after his emancipation, London bought 200 acres of his own.  He also continued in his devout membership at Tosneot Baptist Church until after the Civil War, and on April 22, 1866, he was granted permission to preach amongst his “acquaintances only”.

Elizabeth Farmer, who was also a member of the Tosneot Baptist Church, donated one acre  of land for $1 for the purpose of building a Black church. The stipulation was as recorded, “…in the event that said premises be used for secular affairs, either by concord or trustees, then deed was null and void.”  London went on to preach in Black homes and other circles of his peers for 4 years, until he was officially licensed to preach and saw the construction of the Black church completed.

London Primitive Baptist Church was opened for service on Saturday, October 22, 1870.  It was regarded as the first Black church in Wilson County.  London was 78 and unfortunately he would preach at the church for only 3 weeks.  His last sermon was on November 13, 1870.  The next day he suffered a stroke and fell into an open fireplace.  Burned beyond recovery, London lived long enough to dictate a will, leaving his wife Penelope much of his furnishings and equipment, and to his children, his beehives and a tenth of the residue each, valued at $7 a share.  He dictated the will before the Woodard brothers (William, James Simms, and Calvin) as witnesses, though London was too weak to sign the will himself.  He died the next day, November 15, 1870. His will was attested and probated one week later. 

And that was the story of old London Woodard, who was best known as Uncle London. But it  was only the beginning of his lasting legacy as his church would stand more than 100 years later. 

The history of London Church was declared murky for the next 25 years until it was rebuilt in 1895.  It’s new location was on Herring Avenue, some 50 yards from the original site on London Church Road and even less than that from my childhood home.  It was recognized under the umbrella of the Turner Swamp Primitive Baptist Church in 1897, and it is still in use today, making it a prestigious landmark for Black spiritual practice.

So that day when I broke into London Church, I broke the seal on something sacred – a place where Black ancestors far and wide once congregated in holy union. I’d passed under the threshold and stood in the halls of an ex-slave and survivor, whose name would now defy the passing of time. And though I’d trodden on the floors of Black excellence, desecrated by my youthful ignorance but made whole I would hope by my earnest accountability, I pray that my egregious offense to Black history and my blundering childhood ways are  pardoned by the spirit of Uncle London.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Terry Robinson writes under the pen name ‘Chanton’, is a member of the Board of Directors of WITS, and heads up a book club on NC’s Death Row. He is currently working on a work of fiction as well as his memoir, and he is co-author of Beneath Our Numbers: A Collaborative Memoir From Inside Mass Incarceration. He has always maintained his innocence, and WITS will continue to share his story and his case.

Terry can be contacted at:
Terry Robinson #0349019
Central Prison
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

There is also a Facebook page that is not maintained by Terry, but does share all his work, Terry ‘Duck’ Robinson. Any messages left there for Terry will be forwarded to him.


The Norway Project – February 15, 2023

Most people involved with prison reform are familiar with the system of incarceration in Norway, one based on the concept of creating good neighbors rather than retribution. That concept is something I thought would never be implemented here in the United States.  I was wrong. This ongoing series will be a platform for those living within California’s very own – Norway Project. 

As of February 7, 2023, CDCR’s Valley State Prison is the first prison in California to implement the Norway Model!  It’s a model focused on providing incentives to inmates and guiding us towards pursuing meaningful rehabilitation and positive programming efforts. It’s meant to give back a sense of ‘humanity’ to the inmate population, and to also change the culture of prison from using discipline and punishment as the only means of correcting behavior. 

I’ve been in prison for 13 years now.  I’ve seen opportunities offered by CDCR, but the correctional officers and administrative staff were still under the beliefs that inmates were to be punished and that we cannot change.  Now, this Norway Model sets a new standard and perspective for administrative staff and inmates alike, and the first act the prison has taken is an entire shift of correctional officers and the training they receive.  The yard has a new wave of c/o’s coming, and this building is now an Honor Building. 

We have been given a pool table!  We also have received bigger, better quality flat screen TV’s in our dayrooms!  The talk of upcoming incentives include a ping pong table, a PlayStation, and a vending machine for the inmate population! 

I feel honored and rewarded for the hard work and progress I’ve made in my pursuit for self betterment. It’s definitely encouraging others to want to benefit from the model by seeking self help programs and remaining disciplinary free.  I’ve seen a happier, more social and positive community since this began, and it’s only been a week… I cannot wait to see the huge change in relations between the inmate population and correctional staff now that resentments and biases are being changed for the better! This Norway Model has opened the doors for healing and a new way of rehabilitating the inmate community and showing employees there is a human side in all of us! All that was missing in prisons was the support, encouragement and unity in building a better world. 

Yours truly – TL

I have been incarcerated for eight years, most of those years spent at a higher security institution. Recently, I was afforded the opportunity to attend an alcohol and drug counseling certification program here at Valley State Prison in Chowchilla, Ca.  I’m currently housed in an honor building that is transitioning to a Norwegian model style environment.  While it’s a long way off of an actual Norwegian model institution, it is a step in the right direction.  We recently received special amenities like a pool table, coffee urns, and 70″ flat screen televisions.  This type of living environment promotes rehabilitation through healing and incentives rather than punishment and deprivation of basic human rights.  Work still needs to be done, but this is definitely a good start.  This state and others could truly benefit from expanding the program, and I’m glad to be able to experience an opportunity like this. 

Thank you for your time – DA


Entries From My Journal #6

Note: This is sixth in a series. We often see innocent individuals get out of prison after decades – but we can never fully appreciate what they go through. This is a small attempt to touch on the surface of what it is like to be innocent and on death row. How did Terry Robinson end up on death row? Two people physically connected to the crime scene accused Robinson of murder. That’s it. These entries are not edited, but shared in their original format.

January 29, 2023

[Typically, these journal entries are sent in written form. Terry called me on January 29, 2023, wanting to share something that he wrote, impacted by seeing the mother of Tyre Nichols on the news. We started recording shortly after he called.]

Entries From My Journal #1

Entries From My Journal #2

Entries From My Journal #3

Entries From My Journal #4

Entries From My Journal #5

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Terry Robinson writes under the pen name ‘Chanton’, is a member of the Board of Directors of WITS, and heads up a book club on NC’s Death Row. He is currently working on a work of fiction as well as his memoir, and he is co-author of Beneath Our Numbers: A Collaborative Memoir From Inside Mass Incarceration. He has always maintained his innocence, and WITS will continue to share his story and his case.

Terry can be contacted at:
Terry Robinson #0349019
Central Prison
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

There is also a Facebook page that is not maintained by Terry, but does share all his work, Terry ‘Duck’ Robinson. Any messages left there for Terry will be forwarded to him.


Prison Writing and Expression