Letter To Self

Had I a pen, that could send message to self,
I’d pour out my heart, there’d be nothing left.

Given a chance to change my path,
I’d speak these words to detour my past.

I know life is already hard,
You’ve seen so much.

I know the pain you hold inside,
The nights in bed when you cry.

I know momma is strung out on drugs,
That’s why the tears, ‘cause you feel no love.

I know you steal, ‘cause there’s no food.
No money for clothes, so you steal those too.

Oh, there will be beatings, but you will survive.
There’s always a chance when you are alive.

But pretty soon they will take you away,
To live with an aunt, where you wish you could stay.

I think that’s enough, of telling your past.
Now you must listen, so you can last.

Your future is bright, but there’s darkness ahead,
Choices to make that weigh just like lead.

There are roads to travel and one you must not.
Crime is no future, so you must stop.

I know you get hungry, when times are hard,
But miss a few meals and you will not starve.

The clothes on your back will last for years,
Don’t worry about trying to get new gear.

You have no idea what is ahead,
Even though you think you’re better off dead.

Let me tell of the ill chosen road,
Where life is hell, there’s sorrow of soul.

Where doing what’s wrong, is accepted as right,
And there’s fights in the day and screams at night.

Being in prison, is living in hell,
Your entire life crammed in a cell.

Sun up, sun down, you’re told what to do.
Does all this sound appealing to you?

Yes, I know the things you will see,
But you must be strong if you want to be free.

Pay attention in class, and don’t be a fool.
Play basketball, get a job after school.

Stay away from the drugs, don’t pick up the gun.
One pull of the trigger, your life will be done.

The chance you were given will be taken away,
And as you look back, there is nothing to say.

So, listen to me and have a good life.
Be a father to kids and a husband to wife.

Now be successful and have much wealth.
I hope that you listen, to this letter to self.

ABOUT THE WRITER.  Mr. Mann is a third place winner in our most recent writing contest. I’m always excited to share a new voice here, and I hope he continues to pursue writing and shares his work with us again. Mark Mann can be contacted at:

Mark Mann J06393/K11335
Tomoka C.I.
3950 Tiger Bay Road
Daytona Beach, FL 32124


One thought on “Letter To Self”

  1. A very honest and sad poem Mark, very well written. It should be used in schools to prevent kids from chosing the wrong road in life.

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