Human Cost Of The Death Penalty

The number of innocent individuals who have lost their lives to the death penalty is unknown.


People are executed every single year in cases where reasonable questions exist as to their innocence.


There are individuals whose job it is to house the condemned, feed them their last meal, strap them to a table, take their life, and remove their bodies from the room.


Vengeance is not mine.

The price is too high.

There are currently two back to back executions scheduled in the state of Texas for the month of September.   Those will be followed by more in October.

Troy Clark #999351 is on the calendar to lose his live on September 26, 2018.

The following day, on September 27, the same facility will take the life of Daniel Acker #999381.

I have sent the following letter to the Texas Board Of Pardons and Paroles for each of these individuals.  Please feel free to copy, paste,  and revise in any way you like and send to

Dear Members of The Texas Board Of Pardons and Paroles,

I sincerely request that you recommend to Governor Greg Abbott a lesser sentence than death in the case of Troy Clark #999351, who is scheduled for execution on September 26, 2018.

The Death Penalty doesn’t just take one individual’s life.  It also inflicts irreparable damage to everyone who loves and cares for that person. Their parents, siblings, friends and loved ones.  It can’t be undone.

Just as importantly – it is a burden that every single person in the process of enacting the execution should not be made to bear.

The events that took place to get an individual on death row are inarguable.  They exist.  Guilt or innocence may be arguable, but the events – happened.

The reality of enforcing a Death Penalty for those who must have a hand in taking a life share the same guilt as those – whoever they are – that created the original hurt.  It’s a contradiction of everything it stands for.

If it is a question of faith in a country that is founded on Christianity – there is no question.  Vengeance is not ours.  Please, stand for what is right, and recommend mercy.

Thank you for your time,

You can also call the Governor Abbott Information and Referral and Opinion Hotline at: 512-463-1782; and The Office of the Governor Main Switchboard can be reached at 512-463-2000.

Words from the real people on Death Row in the United States – who I believe include some that are innocent:

“’You know, in my day your kind would’ve never gotten so much generous attention. We simply would’ve brought you out yonder, found a good ole tree to hang ya from. Just one less…’ he was saying just before he cut himself off” Charles ‘Chucky’ Mamou, Death Row

 “It’s baffling that people can actually believe justice is being served by watching a man being strapped to a table and having an IV inserted into his arm to be filled with poison until it kills him.  Justice…”
Travis Runnels, Death Row

I just heard on the radio they put him to death,
And his last words were, “I can finally rest.”
I feel ya bro, no more pain and misery,
Rest in peace my friend, you’re finally free. Troy Clark, Death Row

I’d been labeled a murderer by all those that mattered. There’d be no more tedious claims of innocence for doubters to discredit.  There’d be no salvation for people like me as long as there are people like them.  And there’d be no hope of a better tomorrow when my tomorrow was upon me today. Chanton, Death Row

I seen Lil Jack get in that van.
I seen Big Buck get in that van.
I seen Thread get in that van.
I seen Smoke get in that van.
I seen Chester get in that van.
I seen Ross get in that van.
I seen Tick get in that van.
I seen Savage get in that van.
I seen Bones get in that van.
I seen Diaz get in that van.
They won’t get me, ‘cause I have a plan.
I don’t want to kill myself,
I don’t want to kill myself.  Pete Russell, Death Row



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