Addict, Killer and Now a Survivor

My journey to become worthy is intertwined with penance,
And with my penance understood, questions yet haunt me.
Can a life wasted with decadence
And egotism find absolution?
Or is this simply an illusion I need to embrace
For the strength to endure?
Loved ones trivialized and marginalized
Along my destructive path,
A family left with hearts forever scarred by pain.
My heart longs for love and forgiveness.
Tragedy resurrected me a better man,
But at a monumental cost to so many,
Those that tried to love me.
My journey is to become worthy of that love,
Of such a price paid,
And my journey is infinite.

I’ve met survivors in here, a small measure of people, resolute in their journey to a better life, a better way of living and to just be better people; a group not only on a quest to atone for their actions but to repair relationships broken during their time as broken men.  They work hard to help others do the same.  These survivors have become a light in this dark place, hope of a better way for some that may never have another chance to change.  So, even in this place, there is a way to live.  I choose to be better and surround myself with like-minded people, people who have changed their path and their very lives.  You can do the same – seek out these people, these survivors.  They will help you find your path to a better life.  I am one of them now, and I know now that there is a life beyond prison.

ABOUT THE WRITER. Kenneth is new to WITS. This submission as well as his role as a mentor and peer support specialist are a reflection of his commitment to helping others find their own journey to forgiveness and peace through recovery and self-awareness. That is exactly what I see in his writing – self-reflection, a search for light, and finding a measure of it in reaching out to others in their pain.

Kenneth can be contacted at:
Kenneth Edwards #383909
MacDougall Correctional Institution
1516 Old Gilliard Road
Ridgeville, SC 29472


3 thoughts on “Addict, Killer and Now a Survivor”

  1. That came from deep within. We all sin we all make mistakes. But we learn from them.. For others it may not be that easy. In God’s eyes there’s not one sin worse than the other. In this instant all that matters is do you forgive yourself ?

  2. God can & will use you Kenny in helping others.
    God uses the broken people to do what He wants done. Let God use you in whatever He has for you to do!! This writing is very good! Keep up the good work, & God Bless you!!

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