Human beings that can, at times, be so caring and helpful, thoughtful and graceful, can at other times be so very ugly. When you place a man amongst a group of men that do not possess the saving graces… a group of men that is nothing but ugly, things can go very bad.
I often hear on my FM radio snippets of humor. Or a commercial. Maybe a child speaking candidly, which is humorous or touching. I hear a thirty second piece of humanity – a piece of the real world.
I have lost the laughter of children. Lost a million tiny human interactions that create warm, happy, positive feelings. I have gained violence, anger and willful ignorance. I have gained mean spirited humor and more forms of discrimination than I can name properly. I have gained a million negative pieces to replace the million positive pieces… and I despair.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: The above is an excerpt from Jeremy Robinson’s, The Monster Factory, which he is currently revising. Jeremy lives in a Texas prison and can be contacted at:
Jeremy Robinson #1313930
Polunsky Unit
3872 South FM 350
Livingston, TX 77351