I just received a copy of Texas Letters, which includes a collection of letters written from solitary confinement in Texas. This is an incredibly important tool in any conversation regarding those subjects – prisons in Texas, solitary confinement, or specifically, solitary confinement in Texas.

The United States is an advanced country, and the systems of incarceration have not advanced alongside advances in other areas. Prison, solitary confinement and reform are not clear cut, black and white issues and arguments from those perspectives are not overly productive.
Arguments for solitary confinement include providing protection against violent and dangerous individuals, retribution and punishment, as well as individuals who actually want to be in solitary for their own protection, among other things. Arguments against solitary confinement include various perspectives regarding inhumanity, mental health and torture.
What is clear is that change is needed. WITS is confident there is adequate education, insight and resources within the United States to work together and develop solutions that are humane, productive, and safe, systems that protect those living within prison as well as those working there. Any discussion that entertains maintaining the current state of affairs is a wasted discussion. This book, Texas Letters, is a resource in the quest for solutions regarding an issue that becomes more urgent by the day.
Great post!
Best of luck!