Our North Carolina Book Club is an amazing bunch. The club is based in Raleigh, NC, on Death Row, and we are starting our next book this week, chosen by one of the members. This particular club has chosen to determine book titles on a rotating basis, each member having a turn. That in itself has proven to be interesting – pondering what a book choice says.
If you would like to join us, our next book is The Shape Of Water. They should receive their copies on Wednesday of this week, so you have plenty of time to order yourself one. The group consists of Roger, Antwan, Rodney, Warren, Marcos, and Terry. Our last book, The Hate You Give, started some in depth conversations about race and perceptions that we never would have had. Sometimes its not always about the book, but the insight we gain through the conversations the book inspires.
Feel free to reach out to me, if you would like to contact the group or are reading along and would like to send in your thoughts on the book for their conversation in five weeks.
Happy reading!