Category Archives: Views From The Inside

The Death Penalty – Here to Stay?

I hear talk the death penalty is becoming ‘unpopular’, and before long it won’t exist.  It’s just a matter of time before Texas and the rest of the country come to this conclusion.

But from what I can see here on death row, this thing we call the death penalty – legalized killing – is here to stay.  It’s economics.  People don’t invest money in something that isn’t going to be around for long. 

It wasn’t so long ago, I don’t know how much money was spent on putting video cameras all over this building to upgrade security. 

Next – the roof was taken up and completely redone.

A couple months ago every shower door was removed and replaced with solid stainless steel doors that were professionally installed.  At seventy-two doors, I can’t even imagine what the cost came to.

A few weeks ago, every food slot was removed and replaced with a new one to use a key lock instead of a bar.  That’s 504 slots just for this building. 

Next, I hear they plan to repaint all the cells – one by one. 

So, you see, it’s hard to see this kind of investment in death row housing unless the death penalty is here to stay in Texas.  Actions speak a lot louder than actual words…

ABOUT THE WRITER.  Travis Runnels is the author of Guidance On Navigating The Path To Love and How To Survive In Prison. He can be contacted at:

Travis Runnels #999505
3872 FM 350
Livingston, TX 77351

Other Posts By Travis.



An expression of ‘self’,
The definition of you.
Thoughts and feelings,
Your point of view.
A reflection of opinion,
Your lies become true.
Tickled pink, mad, red,
Or down and blue.
An escape for your emotion,
Way to organize your mental commotion.
Describe feelings deeper than the ocean,
Never use words that exploit erosion.
Real, pure and raw,
No photos, just what you saw.
The needle in a stack of hay straw.
Dreams become reality,
Reality seems surreal.
Don’t just speak,
Let your heart spill.
The letters of a word express how you feel,
Death comes to life,
Broken hearts heal.
The colorful art of expression,
Release of charity and aggression.
An opinion or suggestion,
Engulfed in confession.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR.  Reggie West is serving life without the possibility of parole.  ‘Poetry’ is an excerpt from the book he is currently working on. Reggie can be reached at:
Reggie West #FE-6643
P.O. Box 33028
St. Petersburg, FL 33733

Other Posts By Reggie West.



My dad often said, “You do not bite the hand that feeds you.”  As a diabetic, I’ve tweaked that to read, “You do not bite the hand that heals you.” 

Anyone who lives in a correctional facility for long will likely cross paths with a nurse or three before going home.  Knowing which hands not to bite could mean the difference between good health care and, I don’t want to frighten anyone, but death.  Being objective hasn’t always been easy, but objectivity has kept me from harm for twenty-five years. 

The health care system in the world is stressed, and I’m not going to debate universal health care.  I merely want to weigh in on the people that have – literally – kept me alive and upright all these years. 

Nurses are the backbone, the foundation of a prison unit like mine, and they are overworked, understaffed, underpaid, underappreciated, overlooked and finally – abused too often by the very clients that they are sworn and paid to protect, treat and keep healthy.

As a diabetic, I get to see the prison nursing staff at least twice a day, every day, and have for nearly half my life.  I get to see the details, and I get to see both sides of the coin.  I’ve been locked away for twenty-five years, and I know who is on my side.

Prison isn’t easy on a good day, but inmates tend to take medical for granted.  Many feel medical care is a given if they get a scrape or a cold.  It is their ‘right’ to fill out a sick call request, have someone wave a magic wand over their head and presto – problem solved.   I want it now – no, I want it yesterday.

But, for a small measure of patience… 

Inmates parade in front of the infirmary all day long, and what they see are nurses and doctors.  Some are sitting drinking coffee, some are eating lunch, some are typing on their computers.  An impatient inmate only sees the surface, “All they do is sit around and talk, eat and play on the computers.”


What most are doing is taking a break from changing IV’s, filing nurses notes, answering sick call requests, and dealing with unruly inmates who actually believe that nurses are overpaid. 

During my stay here, I’ve spent time receiving treatment from nurses, requiring antibiotics and IV’s for hours at a time.  In those long hours of treatment, I’ve seen them constantly moving and constantly vigilant, trying to figure out who’s sick and who’s crying wolf – trying to deal with the constant mental process of taking care of over a thousand inmates, some really sick, some dying and some just craving attention.

Most of them probably don’t get paid near enough for that. 

In the 25 years I’ve been treated, I’ve never cried wolf.  I want these warriors to take me seriously when I call 911, I want them there to help me.  I don’t want anyone doubting I need their help.  I’ve taken the doubt out of the equation. 

The double standard that often drives inmates to insanity – also goes the other way.  Nurses are people too.  Not all good, and certainly not all bad.  They suffer from the same problems we all do. They have ups and downs and families to support, bills to pay, relationship to nurture.  They’re human.  And, thank God, some of them have chosen to work in a prison infirmary.  Who among us would choose to talk to, medically review, and treat inmates – many of whom are assholes – for twelve hour shifts and not develop an attitude? 

Are there bad nurses? 

Yes.  And there are also nurses who used to be a lot kinder and compassionate before coming to work in a prison.  We as inmates have a way of grinding down the very people responsible for our well being, objectivity be damned. 

ABOUT THE  AUTHOR.  John is currently doing a two-year set off, after 25 years of incarceration.  He is a frequent contributor as well as author of Life Between The Bars, a unique and heartwarming memoir.  His book has been recognized by Terry LeClerc who said, “This book is so good because each chapter is short, has a point, doesn’t whine. It’s an excellent book.”  John can be contacted at:
John Green #671771
C.T. Terrell Unit A150
1300 FM655
Rosharon, TX 77583


Could It Be

The guard walked me to the elevator where we joined other inmates and were handcuffed, shackled, and told to stand facing the back – as if we were so hideous our faces shouldn’t be seen.  We were then taken to a garage and put in a transport van.  It took only five minutes to reach the unloading area of the courthouse.

I was one of the first prisoners  led out, handcuffed to three other inmates and taken to the courtroom.   I could only hope my attorney had told me the truth…

“All rise!”

Everyone in the room stood, and then sat in unison as the judge said, “You may be seated.  Will the defendant please come forward?”

A guard tapped my shoulder, I was uncuffed and walked to the bench.  My court appointed attorney met me there, smiled and nodded. 

“Sir, do you know why you are here?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied. 

“And why are we here?”

“My capital murder indictment has been dismissed.” 

“That’s correct.  Now, I’ve spoken to the DA, and I’ve also spoken to your attorney.  From what I understand, you have not been in any trouble in jail.  I don’t see any contact with the jail staff.”

“No, ma’am.” 

“Sir, the District Attorney has filed a motion to dismiss the indictment against you for capital murder.  Based on the information I have here, I am going to grant the dismissal.  What this means is that once the paperwork is processed, you will be released.” 

“Yes, ma’am.  Thank you,” I was so relieved I almost fell down.

“Now, don’t get too excited,” the judge took off her glasses and held them in her left hand.  She paused.  “I want to make something perfectly clear.  You are getting a second chance.  There will not be a third,” she said, emphasizing each important word with her glasses.

“If you come before me with any trouble at all, and I mean any at all, you will go to prison for the maximum amount of time allowed by law.  Do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”  This time I knew there would be no more trouble. This was going to be the last time I appeared before this judge or any other.

“You are excused,” she said, dismissing me before signing some papers and handing them to one of the guards. 

With that, I was on my way out.  I didn’t know how long it would take for the paperwork to process, but I knew I would not wake up in jail tomorrow. I was escorted back to the other prisoners and handcuffed at the end of the line.  When all of us were taken back to the jail, I was left in the holding area. 

‘I can’t believe it!  I’m really getting out of here!’  All I could think about was taking a real shower, sleeping in a real bed, and eating real food.  I couldn’t wait to get the stench of jail off me.  I sat in the holding area for some time, and as each guard passed the window, I was certain it would be the one to bring my street clothes and take me to processing.  But each time they kept walking.

Another inmate was brought in.  I had seen him in the jail, but I didn’t know who he was.

“Getting out?” asked the stranger.

“Yeah, just as soon as they process my papers.” 

“Don’t be in too big a hurry.  Probably won’t be till after midnight.” 

My heart dropped.  How was I going to last till midnight?   The other inmate stretched out on a bench and fell asleep almost immediately.  Dinner came. I let my new cellmate eat my portion.  Even if I did get released after midnight, I could eat then.  I couldn’t stand the thought of another bologna sandwich.  I dozed off and woke up to the sound of the cell door – sliding open.

A guard walked in and called my name, “Time to go.”

I shook off sleep, walked out of the cell and made my way to the processing area.  Another guard handed me a plastic bag that held all the belongings I’d arrived with – my wallet, some loose change, and the keys to Mom’s house.  It also had the ticket for speeding and no seat belt. I signed a sheet of paper stating I had received it all.  Another guard handed me my street clothes. I changed and made my way down the hall.  I came to a stop at a metal door, and someone watching through a camera triggered the door to open.  I followed the corridor around to the main desk. 

I showed the guard at the desk my paperwork.   He nodded, motioned for me to come forward and grabbed my left hand.  He marked it with a rubber stamp.  I looked down. The mark said ‘Released’. 

I smiled and walked the few feet to the front door before taking the final step outside.  I wasn’t the person I had been when I got locked up, and I’d never been as excited about anything as I was about starting my new life.

That’s when the banging began.  “Offender, are you eating breakfast?!” a guard barked as he hit my cell door with his nightstick.

I glanced at my clock and it read 3:55 a.m.  ‘Fuck!   It was just a damn dream.’

“No, get away from my door!”  But, it was so real

ABOUT THE AUTHOR.  Roderick Newton spent years on death row, but is now serving life in a Texas Prison.   He has been working on his memoirs and can be contacted at:
Roderick Newton #1690483
Telford Unit
3899 State Highway 98
New Boston, TX 75570


To My Younger Self,

Hey, lil 11-year old self, it’s me.  I’m the 42-year old version of us.  I can see you there in the confusion – afraid of what our future holds. 
You are so handsome.  

Soon, you’ll feel she lied to us and broke her promise of forever. Your heart will be heavy, and you’ll stop believing in love.  Please – hold on.  Don’t let doubt consume us.  I’m with you. 

There’s something I need to tell you, and you need to be strong.  She is dying of cancer.  She won’t make it till our twelfth birthday.  But there’s something else. You hold a decision – one that will shape the rest of our lives.   

Ma’ma has a reason for not telling us.  You’ll understand some day.   She’s trying to protect us from the pain of knowing, and she can’t afford to spend the little time she has left trying to make us understand.  Lil self, she can’t look you in the eye and say she has to break her promise of forever.  She’ll never have the nerve.  But, she’ll love us until that day. 

Everything ma’ma ever said was true.  She loved us for her forever.  She loved us to her dying breath. 

After she is gone, you will lose your light and begin to doubt everything about love.  You’ll sink into a world of hurt.  I’m writing to warn you.  You have to be strong, even when you feel the world is against us and giving up is the only way.  Share the hurt with anyone who will listen, as often as possible. 

Stay respectful to our grandmother and be patient with our brother.  Stay focused in school and never stop learning.  Surround us with people who desire peace, love, education, freedom, friendship, home – and those who cherish the moment.  We must find out who God truly is and why we are here.  What is our purpose, and can we find it?

Lil self, I love you and need you to trust me about this pivotal moment.  Your decision is yours to make, but it will affect every version of us. I won’t tell you anymore about our life, other than what I have already said, but know this – no matter what you decide to do in that moment, I have always loved you and always will.

Your Older Self…

ABOUT THE AUTHOR.  Bobbie George is not only a talented writer, he has also worked training service dogs during his incarceration.

He’s spent over two decades in prison, but still lives every day trying to be the ‘best version of himself’.   He can be contacted at:

Bobbie George #243589
Ionia Correctional Facility
1576 W. Bluewater Hwy.
Ionia, MI 48846

All posts by Bobbie George.


Loss – Serving Life Without Parole

I remember thinking, ‘When does a person adjust to this madness?  When will I feel whole again?’

I still don’t know.  What I do know is that being in here is like losing a part of yourself, or losing a loved one.  When does a person fully recover from that, or say they are ‘fine’?

Life has taught me that each of us is forced to face things we don’t want to face, learn things we don’t want to learn and experience things we don’t want to experience.   It takes time to acclimate to this new life.  It takes time to redefine being ‘fine’.  There are no timelines for it to happen, no countdowns, no circles on the calendar that say – This Is The Day!

After eighteen years under this spell, I have learned that for me it takes work, patience, perseverance and a few prayers – but even then things aren’t going to be ‘fine’.  Each morning there is an effort to work up the strength to face another day and the question, ‘Do I have enough hope left to sustain me for today?’  It’s not easy creating hope in a hopeless place.  It is a constant struggle to find meaning and purpose in this life.

It is often said that the best counsel for someone who has hit bottom is to simply tell them to take the next step.  But it is when we are hurting the most, we tend to forget the things that are most essential.  Sometimes just knowing someone is there, a human connection, has proven to be the most helpful.  At least that has been the case in my journey of healing – healing from a place that continues to eat holes in my soul.

Adversity tests our faith, character and resolve.  For the incarcerated serving life who will die in prison, loss is perennial, an unavoidable enemy and daily reminder of the consequence of a bad decision.  Death and its shadow linger overhead like vultures.

Death and loss touch all those who are living.  In my dark nights, through prayer I find comfort in a great exchange.  I give God my sorrow, fear, and despair and in return receive God’s joy, courage, faith, hope, love and grace for one more day.  The Psalmist said, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because You are with me…”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR.  Darrell is a gifted and thoughtful writer serving a life sentence.  He can be contacted at:
Darrell Sharpe #W80709
P.O. Box 43
Norfolk, MA 02056

Other Writing by Darrell 



It was December 5th, 1998, when I stepped outside of Jimmy’s nightclub at 2 a.m.  The strip was packed with inebriated club hoppers loitering on the sidewalks.  Cars blared their stereo systems, and the scent of ganja lingered in the night air.  With 15 grams of cocaine stashed in my jacket, I decided to head home.  I had no intention of being around when the cops showed. I popped on my headset and bopped to the lyrical testimonies of Tupac Shakur, “Come listen to my truest thoughts, my truest feelings, all my peers doin’ years behind drug dealing…”

Scanning the crowd, I readied for my departure when I spotted a familiar face. “Oh shit! That’s Crip.”

His lean, wiry frame was indistinguishable under baggy clothing with dangling dreadlocks that curtained his face, but I was convinced – the nerve of the guy to show his face.  He and I should not be in the same club scene, not after last week. Confrontation was inevitable. My only advantage was that I saw him first.

I slunk behind a group of people, then hurried across the street. Advancing alongside the building where Crip stood, I drew the 9mm handgun from my waist and chambered a live round. Intended as a last resort, I shoved the heavy steel into my back pocket, and rounded the corner.  There was Crip…

Our eyes locked in a silent exchange that revealed an awful truth – we were both bound by circumstances, and there was no turning back. I lowered my gaze and eased onward, careful not to alarm him. At precisely the moment we stood at arm’s length, I spun, fists clenched, and demanded, “What’s up mutha fucka? Which one of ya’ll niggas shot at me?”

His eyes widened with the shock of being accosted as he raised his shirt and pulled a .357 revolver.  I figured if I went for my own gun now, we would likely kill each other. Instead, I flashed my palms, stepped back, and hoped to dissuade him with an explanation. “What the fuck man? I was just…”

That’s as far as I got before my words were cut short by the sudden jerk of his hand. I turned and dashed for cover, yet there wasn’t any place to hide. Crip thrust the chrome tool at my chest and fired.  POW!

The deafening sound sent shock waves through my body as I stood frozen with fear. My impulse trumped all ability to reason, and I pulled out the 9mm. The Crip I saw now was different, as though he’d undergone a fiendish transformation. His lips were curled in a fierce snarl, and there was confidence in his eyes that pierced. Again his hand snaked forward in a lethal jab. I pointed my gun, desperate to stop him.

Joint blasts amplified the terror between us and sent bystanders scurrying to safety. My legs tore away with a mind of their own as another pop sounded behind me. I squeezed the trigger, but nothing happened. Two strides later, I crashed to the ground, the brutal impact smashing my watchcase and wrenching the 9mm free. My legs felt locked in a whirlwind, yet when I checked them, they were still.

Damn. I was shot.

I struggled to rise, but slipped back down to the crunch of scattered debris. The 9mm laid inches from my face with a spent shell casing lodged in the chamber. I reached for it but faltered, thwarted by sudden paralysis. Then the unexplainable happened.  I began to relive my entire life through a surge of memories and emotions. The sensation catapulted me through a space in time, nearly causing me to forget about Crip.

A swift search revealed that I’d fallen around the corner.  I didn’t know if Crip was even injured.  I expected him to step around the corner and kill me at any moment. Empowered by the urgency to prevent my death, I grasped the gun. With a violent shake, the casing sprang loose and tinged against the asphalt. I rolled and popped off a series of shots in the sky and waited for Crip to show.

As dozens of footsteps converged towards me, I was imbued with panic. I trained the gun on the first face that hovered, only to see it was a friend who’d rushed to help. At his request, I ceded the gun and watched as he bolted around the corner. More faces appeared, suspended above me, annoying me with their questions and concerns. My backside raged with pain as if being cauterized with a searing stake, while pressure penned my chest, causing my breathing to strain.  With each new face that happened into view, a fraction of the air was claimed, as my vision succumbed to a fierce swirl that distorted the surroundings.  Voices were reduced to murmurs over the thumping of my chest.

“I… can’t… breathe…” I whispered, my voice scraggly and feeble.  “Move them back, man, I can’t breathe.”

Pandemonium swelled as onlookers gathered and cast down stares of sympathy.  Then a voice emerged, booming in the distance, “Ya’ll git the fuck back!”

Although I was unable to see his face, his commanding ways consoled me.  “Stop panicking, Duck…,” I heard him say, “…if not, you’re gonna die.”

I closed my eyes, stilled myself, and relinquished my woeful struggles. I drew on a spiritual medium where inner calmness was fostered. Compelled by the notion to atone, I immersed myself in prayer, neither for forgiveness nor some half-hearted attempt to explain away my misdeeds, but a prayer of strength for my mother. I wanted her to know how much I loved her and thought she deserved better. Afterward, I wasn’t afraid anymore. I was ready for the final transition.

As I journeyed toward that terrible darkness to end my worldly suffering, I held on to the vision of my mother and let go of everything else…


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Chanton is a thoughtful and gifted writer as well as a frequent contributor.

All Posts By Chanton


If These Bars Had A Voice

If these bars could talk,
The stories they might weave
Of the young and old
Who have lost their faith
To unyielding despair,
Left to rot in a steel and concrete box.
If these bars could talk,
Would they speak of the young men who have entered,
Only to get lost in indifference,
Becoming no more than a number?
What might they say
Of the old men fading away
Inside this concrete coffin,
Awaiting only Death’s embrace,
Forgotten by family too busy to recall an old man and his fate?
If these bars could talk,
Would they offer encouragement
To those trapped
In this cold, unforgiving tomb?
Or might they tease us
With offers of forgiveness, freedom
And a second chance at life?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Jorge Garcia is a poet and currently working on his first book.  He can be contacted at:
Jorge Garcia #1372972
McConnell Unit
3001 S. Emily Drive
Beeville, TX  78102


Why I Write

I’ve spent almost half my life here.  During that time, I’ve done everything possible to return home – to leave this place and return to society.  I’ve abandoned fear, anger, bad feelings, all in search of the way – my own walk.

It’s not necessarily a religious or spiritual walk, although I believe in God and the Bible and wish I were more pious and connected.   I strive for that every day.  I realize that God is responsible for every single person in my life at this moment, and for that, I feel blessed.  I’ve never felt as connected to the world in which I hope to return some day.   I’ve made friends, and some are like family.

When I came to prison though, I lost everyone I ever cared about and loved.  I think that happens to a lot of people here.  It’s taken twenty-three years to build bridges back to my former life.  Those bridges may be fewer, but they are sturdier and more structurally sound than they were before.  I hope to walk across them some day.

I believe that is the point of incarceration.  There are a lot of things wrong here, but the time here has gotten me to this place.  It wasn’t just prison though.  I’ve had the help of advocacy groups.  Most of those are made up of individuals concerned about the welfare and treatment of prisoners, and they give and give and give until they cannot give any longer – and then they still give.

They want change.  They are tireless.  They don’t ask me or those they help to explain what they have done to get here.  We know what we have done to get here.   They show us how forgiveness can heal.  They help us forgive ourselves.  They help us see we have value and potential.  They let us know we are worthy of care.  They change our lives.   The good ones – they just care.   They care and expect nothing in return.  They walk beside us while we try to come to terms with what we have done to get here.   Or – for others – while they come to terms with being wrongly convicted or overly sentenced.

And when we do walk across the bridges we try to build while we are here, we do it with all those who helped us along the way.

Anybody who knows me, knows I don’t write to bring attention to myself.  I don’t consider myself an expert on anything except my own personal experiences.  I write to bring attention to the circumstances here, so others who aren’t able to write will be heard.  I write hoping to have a hand in ending their pain and suffering.

I don’t write to make a fortune.   I don’t write to be rich in wealth and prosperity.  I write to be rich in the comfort and well being of others.  I’ve taken a page from the book of those advocates who have spoken for me.

I live in a Texas prison where many say they send the old and sick inmates to die.   It’s what some might call a prison nursing home, but nothing like a free world nursing home.   It is for these folks I write.  I write for change.  I write for justice.  I write for love.

Not all advocacy groups are the same.  I’ve experienced that personally, but I’m grateful to those that have helped me get to this spot in my walk.

ABOUT THE  AUTHOR.  Shipwrecked and found.  John is currently doing a two-year set off, after 25 years of incarceration.  He is a frequent contributor as well as the author of Life Between The Bars, a unique and heartwarming memoir.  John can be contacted at:
John Green #671771
C.T. Terrell Unit A150
1300 FM655
Rosharon, TX 77583


My Head, This Wall

Once again, we meet at the end of my decisions.
Quick thinking turned into reactions
That place me back at the scene of the crime.
My head, this wall.
I rush into verbal combat,
Not looking to understand or be understood.
I focus only on the goal at hand, to conquer our exchange of words.
This game of tennis with the alphabet, I must be the victor.
You give me your thoughts, your years and experiences.
I counter with skilled precision and statistics,
Hoping to crush you, not the problem.
I have won, but nothing’s solved.
My head, this wall.
This feeling, this pain, this discomfort in my comfort.
I’m afraid to let go all I know.
Keeps me together while pulling me apart from everybody.
But I just.  Can’t.  Stop.
My head, this wall, my way, must have it.
I refuse to do anything different, but what I do does nothing for me.
So what do I do when I refuse to change?
My head, this wall.
Bang, bang, bang.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR.   Brandon Stewart is a poet and performer of spoken word.  He can be contacted at:
Brandon Stewart #231024
Pendleton Correctional Facility
4490 West Reformatory Road
Pendleton, IN 46064
