All posts by Robert Neibler

Concrete Cocoons, Cement Butterflies

Comfortable and hated
all the same,
this cocoon,
constructed of past
with hopes
of more to come.
Meant to be
a house of transformation,
like tossing a coin
in a well
with the expectation
your wish will come to fruition
by a coin sitting
at the bottom
of a well
waiting to be collected
by a drunk for beer money
paid for by hopes of change,
dreams of a brighter future,
the wish for the transformation
of an offering
into something greater.
Change comes natural
with time,
everything changes,
every day a day closer
to death,
a day closer to change.
Has my concrete cocoon changed me?
Or is it just the
aging process
that has given me
my beautiful wings,
colored with life’s
highs and lows?
Am I now a butterfly,
transformed by my concrete cocoon
or time?
Will my wings carry me
to something greater?
Or do concrete cocoons
produce cement
grounded for life,
a beautiful exterior,
a hardened interior.
Cement wings don’t beat,
and concrete butterflies
don’t fly,
but fortunate fields
do call.

ABOUT THE WRITER.  Robert Neibler is a poet, and although we don’t hear from him often, I am happy to share his work here. It is exciting to watch someone grow and push themselves as a writer, and Robert hopes to one day compile a book of poetry.  Mr. Neibler can be contacted at:

Robert Neibler #399870
Baraga Correctional Facility
13924 Wadaga Road
Baraga, MI  49908


The Painting

Once a tear has fallen
The pain is hard to hide.
Expression of emotion
Of feelings deep inside.

A natural reaction
To entombment of the heart,
Unexpected revolution of
Humans’ purest art.

The art of self-expression,
Painting on your face. 
You draw out your perception
Of a dark and lonely place.

Through tenderness and passion
You begin to see a light,
A spark of inspiration,
A beacon in the night.

Reclamation of one’s self,
When all the tears have dried.
The moment of realization
You’ve forgotten why you cried.

ABOUT THE WRITER.  Robert Neibler enjoys writing poetry and this is his first contribution to WITS.  He hopes to one day compile a book of poetry.  Mr. Neibler can be contacted at:

Robert Neibler #399870
Baraga Correctional Facility
13924 Wadaga Road
Baraga, MI  49908
