An expression of ‘self’,
The definition of you.
Thoughts and feelings,
Your point of view.
A reflection of opinion,
Your lies become true.
Tickled pink, mad, red,
Or down and blue.
An escape for your emotion,
Way to organize your mental commotion.
Describe feelings deeper than the ocean,
Never use words that exploit erosion.
Real, pure and raw,
No photos, just what you saw.
The needle in a stack of hay straw.
Dreams become reality,
Reality seems surreal.
Don’t just speak,
Let your heart spill.
The letters of a word express how you feel,
Death comes to life,
Broken hearts heal.
The colorful art of expression,
Release of charity and aggression.
An opinion or suggestion,
Engulfed in confession.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR. Reggie West is serving life without the possibility of parole. ‘Poetry’ is an excerpt from the book he is currently working on. Reggie can be reached at:
Reggie West #FE-6643
P.O. Box 33028
St. Petersburg, FL 33733