AUTHOR’S NOTE: This literally came to me in a dream – I feel like God told me to write this song.
When I heard about Jesus,
God’s promise of a new start,
I found the joy I had hunted
could be a sun in my heart.
I heard this song in a dream,
got up in the middle of night,
and wept as I started writing
because I knew it was right.
When I found out about Jesus
something leapt inside my heart;
I found the joy I was hunting
had hunted me from the start!
I had looked for joy at parties,
but it wasn’t found in music,
neither did I find joy’s secret
when I searched all of my friends.
But then I found my Savior,
unlocking the Source in my heart,
and learned the joy I’d hunted
had been calling out from the start!
I used to think joy was dollars,
but greed is never content,
so I worked harder and harder –
thank God, we know how this ends!
I finally accepted Jesus,
it wasn’t too late to start;
now joy is blinding inside me,
now I have a sun for a heart!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR. George Wilkerson never stops creating. He is an accomplished writer, poet and artist, and I am always grateful to share his work. George is the author of Interface and Bone Orchard, as well as co-author of Inside: Voices from Death Row and Beneath Our Numbers. He is editor of Compassion, and he has had speaking engagements on multiple platforms, adding to discussions on the death penalty, faith, the justice system, and various other topics. George’s writing has been included in The Upper Room, a daily devotional guide, PEN America and various other publications. More of his writing and art can be found at

Not too long ago, George reached out to share this song with me, having it shared with him in a dream. In his dream, George was sitting at a table writing in a composition notebook when he was visited by an angel who shared with him the title, I Was Looking For Joy. When he woke, George knew he was meant to write the song he had sang with the angel who had visited in his dreams.
George Wilkerson can be contacted at:
George T. Wilkerson #0900281
Central Prison
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131
He can also be contacted via