I knew Tommy for over 20 years. He was a friend – not as close as some, closer than others. He was usually upbeat, always working and often watching and betting on sports – mostly football. Like myself, he loved the Rockets, Texans and Astros. His only flaw, from my viewpoint, was that when they were losing, he lost faith in his teams. Maybe it was because he always bet his heart and not his head, causing him to take some losses, but we’d always laughed about it later.
I’d see him walking to work in the hallway and I’d call out, “Tommy!”
He’d answer, “How are you, John?” When he asked how I was, I knew he was sincere – not just talking or going through the motions. He really cared.
I think Tommy was a good guy who got caught up in the moment. Whatever he did to get himself here, I never asked because whatever it was, it was long ago, and the person that did it didn’t exist anymore.
Tommy died of a sudden heart attack last night. I don’t know his exact age, probably something close to mine. What I do know is – I’m one friend short.
Rest in peace, brother.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR. John is currently doing a two-year set off, after 25 years of incarceration. He is a frequent contributor as well as author of Life Between The Bars, a unique and heartwarming memoir recognized by Terry LeClerc, “This book is so good because each chapter is short, has a point, doesn’t whine. It’s an excellent book.” John can be contacted at:
John Green #671771
C.T. Terrell Unit A150
1300 FM655
Rosharon, TX 77583