
For months when I was twenty-three, I sensed God calling me to live in a tent.  Actually, He called me to forsake my party lifestyle and selling drugs; and since part of me yearned to do this, I started fantasizing about being homeless and living out of a tent at a local campground.  My desire had nothing to do with some romantic, spiritual vision that saw connecting with nature as a way to connect with God.  Rather, it was the embodiment of my wish to be free of my attachment to creature comforts.  And it was a practical path to accomplishing what God was asking of me because without my ‘supplemental income’, I simply could not afford to pay all my bills.

My small town had few available decent jobs paying livable wages which didn’t require higher education and a clean criminal history.  With a felony on my record and a GED, I counted myself fortunate to earn $9 an hour building furniture; but even working full-time, I barely covered rent, power, water, phone groceries, toiletries, gas…  I’ve never had health insurance.  Without my extra illicit money, I couldn’t afford little luxuries like cigarettes or new clothes, or taking my girlfriend out to eat or the movies.  I was willing to stop partying, but I felt like God was asking me to stop living!  So, while camping in a tent to save money became a symbol of redemption for me, ultimately I chose to keep my creature comforts.

It’s been twenty years since I made that choice, one that ultimately led to a drug-related violent offense for which I received a death sentence.  Though I long ago gave my heart to God, I’d trade this concrete box for a flimsy tent outside any day – without the girlfriend, cigarettes, running water or electricity.  I realize now that God was not asking me to give up living.  He was trying to teach me how to live without those chains.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR.  George Wilkerson is an accomplished writer, poet and artist, and also a veteran WITS contributor.  George is the author of Interface and Bone Orchard, as well as co-author of Inside: Voices from Death Row and Beneath Our Numbers.  He is editor of Compassion, and he has had speaking engagements on multiple platforms, adding to discussions on the death penalty, faith, the justice system, and various other topics.  George’s writing has been included in The Upper Room, a daily devotional guide, PEN America and various other publications. More of his writing and art can be found at katbrodie.com/georgewilkerson/.

George Wilkerson can be contacted at:

George T. Wilkerson #0900281
Central Prison
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

He can also be contacted via textbehind.com and gettingout.com
